Health Guide / What is Hypospadias (Prophet Sunnah)?

What is Hypospadias (Prophet Sunnah)?

Hypospadias is when the child's urination hole is not at the tip of the penis, but below it. It is the second most common congenital anomaly seen in 1 in 250 births in boys. Among the people, the circumcision of the prophet is called self-circumcised or half-circumcised. The exact cause of hypospadias is not known. Especially in severe hypospadias cases, urinary system examination should be performed since other urinary system anomalies may accompany. The treatment of hypospadias is surgery. 6-18 months is the appropriate age range for hypospadias surgery. The main goals in surgical treatment are to move the urinary hole to the tip of the penis and to obtain a penis that is cosmetically close to normal. If it is accompanied, the curvature of the penis should also be corrected. Today, it is applied by pediatric urologists or pediatric surgeons experienced in hypospadias surgery. 1 out of 3 hypospadias surgeries performed in inexperienced hands results in complications. The most common complication is fistula development. Complete opening of the sutures, bleeding, development of gangrene on the penile skin, stenosis in the urethra, curvature of the penis are other important complications.