Quality Management / Visitor Rules

Visitor Rules

What is the purpose of the patient visit?

  • To meet the patient's needs outside the hospital (such as medication, clothing).
  • Asking the patient's well-being, giving psychological support.
  • Getting information about the patient's health from the patient's doctor.

When the patient visit, which is one of the good examples of social solidarity, is done properly, it raises the morale of your patient and has a positive effect on the healing process. It also allows you to be informed about your patient's condition.

What days and hours are the visits made in our hospital?

  • There are daily visits in our hospital.

To whom or to whom information is given about the patient's health during visiting hours?

  • If the patient is an adult and conscious; information is given to him or his first degree relative
  • If the patient is unconscious; First degree relatives are informed
  • If the patient is a child; parents are informed.
  • No information about the patient is given to third parties.

Which patients should not be visited?

  • Patients in intensive care
  • Patients with infectious disease
  • Immune system compromised patients
  • Patients whose doctor considers it inconvenient to visit (for these patients, information is obtained from the patient's doctor at appropriate times).

Who should not go to visit the sick?

  • Children under 10 years old
  • Patients with complaints such as fever, cough, sneezing and sputum production and patients with a known infectious disease
  • Patients with any chronic disease
  • People who are prone to getting infections

What are the conditions to be considered during the patient visit?

  • Please do not insist on patient visitation in special cases where the doctor does not allow it.
  • Make the patient visit during visiting hours.
  • The duration of the visit should be short (preferably no more than 10 minutes).
  • There should not be more than two visitors at each patient and should not be spoken loudly enough to disturb other patients.
  • One should not sit on patient beds, and should not touch anything at the bedside or in the hospital environment. Hands should be washed before and after the visit.
  • Do not forget that the interventions you make for good may harm your patient.
  • Do not bring food as a gift when visiting.
  • Nothing should be eaten or drunk at the bedside, and no food should be given to other patients staying in the same room.
  • Gifts that can be brought to patients; It can be a book, artificial flower, cologne. Other patients should not be disturbed during the visit, and unnecessary and curious questions should not be asked.
  • Patient privacy should be respected.
  • During the visit, demoralizing words and behaviors should be avoided.
  • Unnecessary and persistent visitation requests should not be made outside of visiting hours.
  • At the end of visiting hours, patients should leave their rooms without waiting for the warnings of the staff.

Why should patients not be visited at night?

  • There are only health personnel on duty at night, they are few in number.
  • Visitors keep them busy unnecessarily and reduce the quality of the service.
  • Hospital safety is adversely affected.
  • Sleeping patients are disturbed.
  • Patient rights are violated.

Do not forget, your patient's health is as important to us as it is to you. Please follow the rules.

We wish you healthy days...