Medical Units and Services / Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Traditional and Complementary Medicine

It helps to prevent, diagnose, cure or treat physical and mental illnesses. It is the whole of knowledge, skills and practices that can be explained or not, based on theories, beliefs and experiences specific to different cultures, which are also used to maintain a healthy life. They are supportive and complementary methods of Western medicine.

  • Medical cupping - Cupping therapy

Cupping is a general treatment method applied in preventive medicine and in the treatment of some diseases in order to remove wastes such as toxins and heavy metals accumulated in the lymphatic channels and in the fluid between the tissues under the skin, together with the dirty blood.

  • Leech therapy
  • Acupunc

It refers to the application method by stimulating special points on the skin with needle, laser beams, electrical stimulation, heating and scientific stimulation methods.